The DEVK Group is governed by two mutual insurance companies: one for life insurance (DEVK Lebensversicherungsverein a.G.) and one for non-life insurance (DEVK Sach- und HUK-Versicherungsverein a.G.), founded in 1886 and 1889 respectively by railway workers. Today, DEVK offers a complete range of financial and insurance products for private individuals.
DEVK occupies the 5th position in the German private car insurance market.
About DEVK
Business Lines
- Motor Insurance
- Home/Public Liability/Accident Insurance
- Life Insurance/Pension Funds
- Legal Protection Insurance
- Health/Sickness/Disability Insurance
- Reinsurance
- SADA (Nimes based company, fully owned subsidiary of DEVK specialised in niche markets)
Distribution Channels
- Direct distribution through exclusive agents
- Banking network of the Sparda Banken
- Online sale on www.devk.de and through the comparison website www.check24.de
Supervisory & Management Boards
- Chair of the Supervisory Board: Martin BURKERT
- Chair of the Management Board: Gottfried RÜßMANN
Key Figures
Chiffres clés DEVK (2023)
- Total turnover: €4,800 M
- Non-Life: €3 750 M
- Life: €1 050 M
- 4.2 million policyholders
- About 6,000 employees
- 19 Regional Directorates and 1,200 Offices
- €2,568 M in equity
- €22,843 M in assets under management
Total turnover
DEVK Versicherungen
DEVK Cologne Headquarters
Riehler Straße 190
D – 50 735 Cologne